Personal Trainer Richard Straitiff

Certification: National Council on Strength and Fitness

Experience: One-On-One Personal Training Since 2011

My Story:

I decided over four years ago to change my lifestyle — I was overwhelmed by a stressful job, which resulted in unhealthy eating and lack of motivation to exercise, eventually leading me into obesity. I had been actively involved in sports from a very young age and yet I found myself at my heaviest weight ever.

Over the course of my journey I shed over 60 lbs and reduced my body fat by 20%, which inspired my career move into personal training.* My body type easily gains both fat and muscle, so nutrition is equally — if not more important than — exercise in my training. It is imperative to me that I continuously lead by example and ease the transition of those that make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle by providing training and nutritional advice that produce tangible and long-lasting results.

*Individual results may vary

Free Workouts

Bodyweight (Air) Squats: Youtube | Blog

Sumo Squats: Youtube | Blog

Jumping Squats: Youtube | Blog

Oblique V-Ups: Youtube | Blog

Lateral Lunges: Youtube | Blog

Plank Pushups: Youtube | Blog

Russian Twists: Youtube | Blog

Good Mornings: Youtube | Blog

Nutrition Resources

Hunger vs. Appetite

Fight Inflammation with Food!

The Secrets To Good Nutrition: What You Need To Know

Motivation Resources

Get Fit Newsletter

Daily Quotes

Celebrate Progress


Daily Colors

Why do I wear a different color each day?



The color red symbolizes passion and gratitude to me. I am passionate about helping my clients live healthier lives. I am grateful for having many amazing clients that entrust me to lead them in their fitness journeys.



The color purple means I treat my clients like royalty. I am compassionate about their feelings and I deliver creative workouts.



I wear the color grey because it means neutrality. My judgement for people is neutral; I do not judge people for their lifestyle. I try to help my clients by suggesting and educating them on better healthy lifestyle choices and by meeting them where they’re at. Healthy lifestyles are created through constant encouragement and continuously challenging my clients to make better decisions.