Here at Determined Results Fitness, we take your core seriously. We’ve even designed a four-week fitness program aimed specifically at targeting your core muscles, Chiseled Core, featuring targeted workouts to build core strength, definition, and stability. But what exactly is your core, and why does it matter for your fitness and overall health? 

Broadly speaking, your core is the torso region of your body, and the muscles that compose it. This includes your abdomen, middle back, lower back, hips, and sides. A strong core is essential for functional movement and avoiding injury. Working on your core will not only help you achieve that sexy six-pack that you’ve always wanted, but it can greatly improve your overall health. This is because your core muscles help support your organs, central nervous system, skull, spine, tailbone, rib cage, pelvis, and other essential parts of your body. Dedicating time in your fitness routine to defining your core will bring you many benefits, including an overall greater quality of life.

In this blog post, we explore four specific benefits of a sculpted core — beyond looking great! If by the end of this post you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life, check out our fitness programs now. From Chiseled Core to Dumbbell Dynamite, all of our programs can provide you with effective, efficient workouts that produce fantastic results!

Improved Posture

Do you find yourself slumping throughout the day? Perhaps you experience regular back pain and don’t know why, or find that you often appear shorter and heavier than you actually are. Your core muscles are the foundation of a good posture — they help keep you upright by aligning your spine, ribs, and pelvis. A tall, upright posture conveys strength and self-esteem and can help you look slimmer. A slumped posture, on the other hand, can cause back pain, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders, and a potbelly. If you’re unhappy with your posture, core training with Determined Results Fitness can help you achieve the attractive, confident look that you desire while also helping to resolve chronic back, spine, and joint pain. 

Back Pain Relief

Back pain affects people of all ages, from adolescents to the elderly. In fact, Studies show that up to 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life, with 31 million Americans experiencing lower back pain at any given time. While most people eventually recover from back pain, recurrence is common, and for some the condition may even become chronic. 

If you’re experiencing back pain, core training can help. Weak lower back muscles make your body rely on your ligaments to stay upright, which can cause you great pain. Strengthening your core improves your overall musculoskeletal health by increasing the amount of weight your lower back can comfortably hold, making it easier to exercise and perform everyday movements.

Smoother Pregnancy and Childbirth 

Are you currently pregnant or considering getting pregnant? If so, strong core muscles can greatly improve your labor experience. Your core plays an essential part in pregnancy and childbirth by supporting your baby and easing its entry into the world. A weak core during pregnancy can cause what is called a “pendulous belly,” which causes your pregnant stomach to sag downward, creating discomfort for your baby. 

A proper prenatal fitness program can teach you how to safely train your core in order to experience a smoother, healthier pregnancy and labor. Many women also like to incorporate core training into their postpartum workouts, as childbirth can cause abdominal pressure, pain, and weakness, even long after you have given birth. Additionally, the sedentary lifestyle of nursing and caring for a newborn can weaken your overall musculoskeletal health, preventing you from recovering the physical strength you need to help your baby thrive. Postpartum core training can help you recover the pre-baby body you need to look and feel your best.

Improved Physique 

Let’s be honest — many of us turn to fitness as a way to lose weight, define muscles, and achieve an overall slimmer, more chiseled appearance. While improving our clients’ physical health is our number priority when designing workouts here at Determined Results Fitness, it would be a lie to say that we don’t also consider what the end results will look like! Whether you’re hoping to get a full-on six-pack or simply want some general definition in your core region, there’s no shame in admitting that you’re exercising in order to look and feel better, from the inside out. 

Get a Stronger Core With Determined Results Fitness

Now is the time to make a commitment to your fitness goals. With Determined Results Fitness, you can get the body you’ve always wanted while having fun along the way! Explore our budget-friendly fitness programs now to get started. We offer trials of all of our programs for only $1.00, so you can determine which program is right for you with practically nothing to lose. We look forward to helping you on your fitness journey!

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